The life of a 19 year old assasin........
Nagi Naoe
Published on March 12, 2004 By Nagi Naoe In Just Hanging Out
I was laying alone in my room asleep as Ken-kun and Omi were out clubbing for the night. When all of a sudden i woke up and laying beside me was Aya...naked. I had no idea what he was in my room for so i tryed to no look at him and keep sleeping....but you see....its kinda hard to sleep whena man you dream erotic dreams about is naked in your bed! and whats worse he gently wrapped his arms around me and began to gently yet hungrily kiss me as he forced himself inside me! it was wacky! some wild dream come true!...well when he was done all i could do was lay there in his arms exausted and content beyond beliefe! then that dream became a nightmare! Aya told me not to say ANYthing to Youji or Omi! or anyone for that matter! why is my luck so bad ~_~;; i slept with the one man who haunts almost everyone of my sexual fantasies and i fellt!...its been a couple days since then and Youji and Omi know...Omi was mad at me for a while but hes not any more and Youji isn't mad at Aya...personaly i think Youji might have let him off because of something he'd done a while back....not to sure about what that might be but w/e! so...basicly were all ok with things now...I find it a little hard to talk to Aya though....and Omi gets a little fidgety when Aya and I are alone! but...god i feel like a slut! ;_; Aya, Omi, Schu, Crawford, then there was that one time with Farfie but that was so long ago....sometime i wish i was still part of Este....then i wouldn't have to keep wondering what i was going to be doing next! They'd let me know what i needed to do and there would be no confusion about it at all!...well time is fleeting and Schu promised me he'd talk me to the library later on today since i still don't have my licence! ^^; gotta study for the drivers test! Ack ;; more and more contraversy rears its ugly head! *waves* Cha for now!
on Mar 13, 2004
Wow. Ayan has a hidden side. I'm kinda diggin it. Even tho you feel bad *HUGGLES!* you gotta admit a seme Ayan is... Drool. Again, HUGGLES! ^-^* sparkle
on May 27, 2006
Aya-kun isn't trying to bite? Wow, I envy you!