The life of a 19 year old assasin........
Nagi Naoe
Published on February 16, 2004 By Nagi Naoe In Just Hanging Out
well today its valentines day and i'm spending the day with Omi-Kon *blush blush* ^#^ i normaly dont like Valentines day but today i do! Yuyu sent me a personalized e-card for valentines day and it made me smile! it was cute! and funny as hell! i dont like to write much on the weekends because i'm eaither with Omi or on a mission....i dont much like missions so i wont write about them often....they dont make a happy conversation any of you grammer junkies must be cringing at my typos!! he he he he!^_~ don't worry i'm doing it on purpose to bug you! Omi went to the store so i'm on my laptop waiting at the hotel room we rented for him to come back then were going to go into the hot tub. Omi in his little orange shorts! he he he! oops my naughty thoughts shouldnt be typed out loud! but oh well! he he he! sorry for all of the giggling! i'm just so happy today...weird! Omi always makes me feel that way.....*drools over a sexy Aya pic* hey! i can look and dream but i cant touch righ? well Omi's almost back and i dont want him to see what i wrote about Yummy mean! ack nevermind! Cha for now!
on Feb 16, 2004
That was amusing:)
